Windows Server Core Jumpstart

Recently I've been looking into the potential that Windows Server Core holds for our environment. Like most eager new Core users, I imagine, I jumped in with grand visions of spinning up a VM quickly and being off to the races administering it from my desktop. The reality wasn't quite the same, as I ran... Continue Reading →

Giving Yourself Permission To Lose

One of the most profound turning points in my life was the moment that I gave myself the permission to lose. Please do not confuse this with apathy or a lack of ambition. It's more of an upfront decision to roll with the punches, coupled with a focused vision on what is worth pursuing. Let... Continue Reading →

Unlocking Liberty

This week a US judge asked Apple Inc. to help them unlock the iPhone that belonged to one of the San Bernardino shooters. The CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, has resisted this order citing risk to his customers and implications that extend past the case itself. Since then, notable people have stood up in defense... Continue Reading →

The Price of Free

When looking at which tech toys to use it's easy to differentiate by the upfront cost. An iPad, for example, can be twice the price of some of its competitors. This can certainly be prohibitive, no matter the quality of the device. I very much enjoy my Macbook Pro, but I would not be using one... Continue Reading →

Web Hosting Tools

Over the last year or so I've been getting more into web hosting for myself and friends. Below are the solutions I've chosen to use and I would recommend them to anyone. This is the site I'm using both to register my domain and to host the site. They are easy to use, affordable,... Continue Reading →

Windows 8 Evaluation

My opinion of Windows 8 after using it for a bit: I think it will work well for personal machines. I'm going back to Windows 7 on my work laptop. In our case the apps we use just aren't compatible enough with it yet and the interface doesn't yield itself to higher work efficiency. Evaluate... Continue Reading →

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