Working as a SQL Server DBA from a Mac

In This Article TLDR Macs are a pleasant place to spend 40+ hours in your work week, and totally workable for those with Microsoft-centric jobs. Let me give you a jump start on how to make it work. The Background I'm weird. This is a known fact that I've embraced. My family has two minivans... Continue Reading →

My Work From Home Tips

We live in an interesting time where businesses have suddenly been forced into a remote work model in order to stay profitable during the COVID-19 crisis. Because of this, many people have now been thrown into a work from home situation (whether it's something they wanted or not). I've worked from home on and off... Continue Reading →

My Journey to Better Privacy (Part 5: Email)

Updated 02/28/2020 Introduction If you've been following along, then you know I'm on a quest to increase privacy across my digital life. The next stop on that journey is email. This system of communication has become so ubiquitous that we hardly give it much thought. We communicate over it with service providers, friends/family, random blogs,... Continue Reading →

My Journey to Better Privacy (Part 2: Browsers)

TLDR My Recommendation: Firefox, with the extensions HTTPS Everywhere, uBlock Origin, Firefox Multi-Account Containers, and Cookie AutoDeletePrivacy Simplified: If you just want privacy out-of-the-box and don't care that it's based on Chromium, go with Brave.(Update 04/07/2020: I've been using Brave a lot and see great promise in it. I might do a full post about... Continue Reading →

My Journey to Better Privacy (Part 1: Search)

Introduction The subject of privacy, for me, is one I've been more or less dodging for a long time. It's something I feel strongly about. I make half-hearted attempts at improving it now and then. But overall I've mostly let it go by the wayside. It's really easy to retweet statements by privacy-focused groups or... Continue Reading →

Life in the Key of E

Many years ago, sometime during high school, I set out to learn guitar. This was in the days before YouTube, so all I had to work with was an antique book of my dad's. Utilizing that, and eventually the internet, I picked up four or five chords and was feeling pretty good about myself. E... Continue Reading →

Kindle Fire HD8 Review

Background: I recently found myself wanting to replace my iPad Mini 2. It's around four years old and starting to become sluggish enough to be frustrating. Given the incredibly low price of Amazon tablets on Prime Day, I decided to take a risk and try out the Kindle Fire HD 8. Below are my impressions... Continue Reading →

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