My First Mobile App

Over the last several months I've been on a journey to a) learn Swift and b) create my very first mobile application. And I'm proud to announce that it is complete! Named "The Simple Workout", it is exactly that. Just a simple, randomized workout using bodyweight exercises. It's based loosely on the card deck workout,... Continue Reading →

App Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice This privacy notice discloses the privacy practices for apps developed by me. Information Collection, Use, and Sharing Data is not collected, used, or shared. Your Access and My Security Measures No data is collected, therefore no access or security is needed.

Life in the Key of E

Many years ago, sometime during high school, I set out to learn guitar. This was in the days before YouTube, so all I had to work with was an antique book of my dad's. Utilizing that, and eventually the internet, I picked up four or five chords and was feeling pretty good about myself. E... Continue Reading →

Kindle Fire HD8 Review

Background: I recently found myself wanting to replace my iPad Mini 2. It's around four years old and starting to become sluggish enough to be frustrating. Given the incredibly low price of Amazon tablets on Prime Day, I decided to take a risk and try out the Kindle Fire HD 8. Below are my impressions... Continue Reading →

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